变电站全站局部放电检测中多源信号分离方法 The Separation Method of Multi-Source Signals from the Partial Discharge Detection of Whole Substation.pdfVIP

变电站全站局部放电检测中多源信号分离方法 The Separation Method of Multi-Source Signals from the Partial Discharge Detection of Whole Substation.pdf

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2013 年 第 7 卷 第 2 期 南 方 电 网 技 术 开发与应用 2013 ,Vol. 7 ,No. 2 SOUTHERN POWER SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY Development Application 文章编号: 1674-0629(2013)02-0091-05 中图分类号:TM933 文献标志码:A 变电站全站局部放电检测中多源信号分离方法 1 2 2 3 李端姣 ,朱文俊 ,王红斌 ,胡岳 (1. 广东电网公司,广州510060;2. 广东电网公司 电力科学研究院,广州510080;3. 上海交通大学 电气工程系,上海200240 ) 摘要:针对已有的变电站全站局部放电检测方法仅能得到放电源的大致方向,无法区分局部放电类型和来源的问题,基 于各种局部放电源所产生的超高频信号在时域与频率的不同特征,对连续采集存储的局部放电电磁波脉冲波形进行 TRPD (time resolved peak display )时频分析和模糊聚类,分离出不同局部放电源或干扰所产生的放电信号,以实现放 电源的准确定位,为后期局放类型的图谱特征识别奠定基础。现场测试证明了该方法的可行性。 关键词:局部放电;电磁波;时频分析;模糊聚类;信号分离 The Separation Method of Multi-Source Signals from the Partial Discharge Detection of Whole Substation 1 2 2 3 LI Duanjiao , ZHU Wenjun , WANG Hongbing , HU Yue (1. Guangdong Power Grid Corp., Guangzhou 510060, China; 2. Electric Power Research Inst. of Guangdong Power Grid Corp., Guangzhou 510080, China; 3. Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Shanhai 200240, China) Abstract: Aiming at the problems of existing method for the partial discharge (PD) detection of whole substation such as the PD source being not clear in its discharge type and location, and based on the time domain and frequency characteristics of UHF signals of various PD source, this paper does TRPD (time resolved peak display) frequency analysis and fuzzy cluster on the electromagnetic pulse waveforms that are continuously gathered and storaged to separate out the different discharge source or interference, locating accurately the discharge source, and thus providing a basis for the feature recognition of PD types. The feasibility of the proposed method is proved with the field tests results. Key words: partial disch



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