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三民主義學報第 23 期: 2001 年 12 月 . 137 • 盧梭社會契約概念的探討 謝登旺本 摘要 十七世紀至十八世紀中期,歐洲的幾位大思想家如霍布斯、洛克、盧 梭開創了所謂社會契約論,目的在建立新的人的結合的理論,儘管社會的 成員之間並不存在正式的協議,但各個人會出自默契地同意脫離自然狀態 來形成社會。進入契約社會的個人,盧梭認為應放棄所有的自然權利而聽 命於社會,個人的權利僅來自全意志的許可賦予,但它不一定是永恆,一 旦遭質疑,社會契約自然遭破壞,至社會契約最主要內容,全意志的方式、 表現、運用等,與民主程序的概念密切關聯,本文擬分別加以探討,並藉 了解其影響及應用情形。 關鍵字;社會契約、全意志、眾意志、政府。 *國立台灣師範大學三民主義研究所博士班畢業,現任元智大學社會系專任副教授 . 138 • 盧梭社會契約概念的探討 謝登旺 Exploration on the Concept of Social Contract by Rousseau Hsieh Deng Wang Abstract With the aim to establish a new theory of human a1liance the so- called Theory of Socia1 Contract had been deve10ped by severa1 great phi1osophers as Hobbes Locke and Rousseau during the seventeenth century and the midd1e decades of eighteenth century . Its essence is that each individua1 wou1d implicit1y agree to sever him from the nature to form a society , in spite of no forma1 commitment existing among members of a society . The one entering the society shou1d Rousseau thought abandon all his rights from nature and follow the ru1es set by the society . Name1y , all individua1 rights simp1y come from the grant of genera1 will and may not be permanent all the time . Once they are questioned the socia1 contract wou1d be broken down according1y. Concerning the principa1 con tent of socia1 contract as well as the method presentation and emp10yment of genera1 will they all have a c1 0se connection with the concept of democratic procedure Such are the main points to be exp10red in this paper in order that we cou1


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