国内媒体建构环境风险话语的特征及其问题 - Core.PDF

国内媒体建构环境风险话语的特征及其问题 - Core.PDF

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国内媒体建构环境风险话语的特征及其问题 - Core.PDF

国内媒体建构环境风险话语的特征及其问题 ——以厦门、宁波及大连PX 事件为例 The media power of manipulate the environmental risk issues :Case study of PX crisis in Xiamen, Ningbo and Dalian 作者 Author _ 陈经超 Chen Jingchao 郑海燕 Zheng Haiyan | 摘   要 | 近年来环境群体性事件成为地方政府面临的一个重大问题,特别是预防型环境群体性事件是公众在风险社会中风险 感知度增强、风险知识不足的结果。媒体为风险议题提供沟通平台,影响着受众的风险感知,理性的媒介风险建构 是保持公众理性判断的基础。那么媒体在风险传播中表现如何,是否实现理性的风险建构?本研究从风险话语、报 导立场、消息来源等方面考察媒体对环境群体事件背后的环境风险的建构情况。研究发现,媒体在报道时,对事件 本身呈现不足,风险知识报导失衡,媒体在风险建构时存在记者主观评判与负面消息过度使用的倾向等特征。 | 关 键 词 | 环境群体性事件 风险建构 | ABSTRACT |  With the explosive growth of the domestic group events, mass disturbance become a field of study. Preventive environmental group events show as the result of the enhancement of public risk perception and lack of knowledge of risk in risk society. Medias provide communication plat for the risk issues, which influence the risk perception of the audiences. Rational medium risk construction is the foundation of keeping public rational judgement. Then how does the media perform in the spread of risk? Is the rational risk structure realized? this paper used content analysis to analyze the news about Xiamen, Dalian, Ningbo PX incident to find that how the media construct the environmental risks. Study found that the media reported low proportion of risk issues. When media reported risk knowledge, journalists tend to overuse of subjective judgment and negative news. | KEY WORDS | Environmental group events Risk construction 问题的提出 年以来,中国大陆环保部直接接报处置的事件共927 起,重特大事件 72 起,其中2011 年重大事件比上年 随着人们环保意识的增强和人们对健康和生态问 同期增长120%。“十一五”期间,环境信访30 多万件, 题越来越重视,环境性群体事件不断增长。据《新京 [1] 目前中国国内环境群体性事件可 行政复议


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