计算机受到限制(Computers are limited).doc

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计算机受到限制(Computers are limited) The computer is restricted.Txt stay there! I flew past! The rain fine woman you slowly sweep houses I for you to sweep the world you heard my marriage is now very cheap, 9 dollars to fix the Civil Affairs Bureau, I ask you, you idiot. This happen to stand behind me! Walk with me one day your name will appear in my account book. How to solve the computer is limited, this operation has been canceled, please contact your system administrator. On the weekend with several optimization software, today opened the beloved WOW found because the computer is limited, this operation has been canceled, please contact your system administrator. Hematemesis, 8 multi G game I do not want to re download it. Exclude the virus, taking into account the likely user permissions, and then create a new user and added to the administrator group, with the new user login is still in because the computer is limited, this operation has been canceled, please contact your system administrator. See some solutions online, that is not feasible, until see this In fact, the real reason is to modify the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ Explorer DisallowRun =dwordDisallowRun of the above should be deleted, that is to solve such restrictions. Delete all the content in the DisallowRun (in the backup, it points back, prepared against want) to enter the game. There are similar experiences of friends can try this way. There are also several solutions for your reference: The operation was canceled due to the limitation of this computer. Please contact your system administrator. Not poisoning or policy configuration was in some tools when using the system (even not right) will appear: the operation was canceled due to the limitation of this computer. Please contact your system administrator. This is mostly caused by some malware or viruses. The solution of longitudinal said, probably can be divided into the following: A: th


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