计算机网络技术专业(专科)教学实施方案(Computer network technology specialized (specialized) teaching implementation plan).doc

计算机网络技术专业(专科)教学实施方案(Computer network technology specialized (specialized) teaching implementation plan).doc

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计算机网络技术专业(专科)教学实施方案(Computer network technology specialized (specialized) teaching implementation plan) Computer network technology professional (specialist) teaching implementation plan In order to implement the approved by the Ministry of education The Open University of China personnel training mode reform and open education pilot project research project, ensure that the central RTVU Open Education Pilot computer network technology professional (specialist) implementation of the teaching plan, improve the professional teaching and teaching management, ensure the quality of teaching and achieve the goal of cultivating high skilled talents. Made the teaching plan. A, enrollment object The professional students in ordinary high school, vocational school, technical secondary school, technical school or above. Junior high school degree or above can be registered courses. Those who meet the conditions of registration, registration according to the radio and TV University college enrollment management approach for open education pilot. The employment direction of the graduates for: 1. in the IT departments of enterprises and units engaged in computer operation and maintenance work, guidance. 2. in the IT Department website or enterprises engaged in web design and maintenance work. 3. in network information processing and editing in the IT Department website or units of work. 4. in the IT Department sites or units engaged in the work of network management and maintenance. 4. other related jobs. Two, open the professional conditions 1. technical conditions For the professional should have the good campus network, broadband Internet access, satellite TV system has the classroom reading room, audio-visual equipment, computer network (multimedia classrooms), computer labs (with software and hardware required for professional installation, test and training requirements), counseling, classroom teaching practice base. 2. conditions of Teachers The pilot to be equipped with TV


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