勤奋造就成功 英语作文.doc

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勤奋造就成功 英语作文.doc

勤奋造就成功 英语作文 Diligence Leads To Success All of us admire the people who are successful because we want to be the one of them. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success,talent or diligence? In my viewpoint,diligence leads to success. As the old saying:No pain,no gain. We will get nothing but only waste our life if we only daydream instead of working hard. Those people who are lazy and sloppy to their work and never focus on their work#39;s importance will never succeed. Thomas Edison said:Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Edison himself is the best example:Edison was born in a poor family and he only studied three months in a primary school. After then,he began to make money by selling newspapers and fruits when he was only 12.Although Edison wasn#39;t a student anymore,he still loved reading books and learning. He always used the money he made to but many scientific books and got interested in science in this way. His diligence in study lay a good foundation for his great success. In 1878,Edison began to research in the light bulb. He spent about two years using thousands of materials make thousands of experiments to choose the best material for the light bulb. Finally,Edison created the light bulb and became one of the greatest scientists in the world. His diligence in working leads to his great success. Anyone who always turns round and round in situ but admires other#39;s success is daydreaming,so we should be aware of that we should keep studying hard and working hard. Only in this way,we can succeed!


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