Amphibians (两栖类).PPT

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Amphibians (两栖类).PPT

Comparison Questions(問題) 1.)棘皮動物如何避免捕食者攻擊? Questions(問題) 2.)棘皮動物的管足有何作用? Questions(問題) 5.)為什麼雞會吃碎石? Questions(問題) 6.)為什麼哺乳類動物是動物    界中最高等的? Mammals Mammals have mammary glands, female mammals can produce milk to supply for their young. (哺乳類動物具有乳腺,能夠分泌乳汁哺育幼兒) The different types of teeth perform different function and make the ingestion and mechanical breakdown of food very efficiently (哺乳類動物的牙齒會分化成不同的種類,具有不同的功能,提高攝食和嘴嚼的能力) Their bodies covered by fur or hair can keep warm, provide mechanical protection and camouflage to escape from enemies (身體表面的毛髮能夠提供保暖的能力,另外亦能緩衝外來衝擊的保護作用和保護色功能,避開捕食者) Mammals The layer of fat under skin can prevent excess heat loss under cold weather, as fat is a good insulator of heat. (皮膚表面下的脂肪層能減慢熱流失的速率,因脂肪是良好的熱絕緣體) Sweat glands also important for regulating body temperature, as it secretes sweat which evaporates to increase heat loss. (汗腺能夠分泌汗液,透過汗液的蒸發帶去身體過量的熱,對維持身體於正常溫度十分重要) Mammals After fertilization, embryo develops inside the female’s uterus, this can provide protection for the embryo against mechanical injuries and ensure they have enough nutrients (卵子受精後,受精卵會於母體內生長為受精卵提供保護避免機械性損傷和確保有足夠營養) Parental care enhance the chance of survival (親代養育能夠提高幼兒的生存機會) Comparison Fishes Amphibians 兩棲類 Reptiles 爬行類 Birds Mammals 哺乳動物 Habitat 生境 Aquatic (水中) Both aquatic and terrestrial (能適應水中和陸地生境) Terrestrial(陸地) Sky and terrestrial (天空和陸地) All sorts of habitat 所有生境 Skin Slimy and covered with scales (呈流線型和具有濕滑的鱗片) Wet, permeable to water, no scales 皮膚表面濕滑 沒有鱗片 Covered with horny scales 表面有乾硬的鱗片 Covered with feathers 表面有羽毛覆蓋 Covered with fur or hair 有毛髮覆蓋 Fishes Amphibians 兩棲類 Reptiles 爬行類 Birds Mammals 哺乳動物 Organ of breathing Gills 鰓 Adult: wet skin surface and the lining of the buccal cavity(濕滑的皮膚表面和口腔內膜進行氣體交換)(OR lungs during vigorous activities) 劇烈運動時可用肺呼吸 Lungs 肺 Lungs Lungs Comparison Fishes Amphibians(兩棲類) Reptiles(爬行) Birds Mammals(哺乳動物) Fertilization Cartilaginous fish (軟骨魚):internal Bony fish(軟骨魚): external (體外受精) External; Eggs are not protec


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