Aussie Pumps PUMP SELECTION Guide(澳洲泵泵选择指南).pdf

Aussie Pumps PUMP SELECTION Guide(澳洲泵泵选择指南).pdf

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Aussie Pumps PUMP SELECTION Guide(澳洲泵泵选择指南)

Aussie Pumps PUMP SELECTION Guide For information on fire pumps and how to set a fire protection system …. click here LET’S TALK ABOUT PUMPS If you’re a farmer, contractor, council or rental company, chances  Quality Design...This translates to the pump’s ability to are you not only own pumps, but have a very good understanding handle the job, transferring key benefits like efficiency, of how they work and are applied for the best results. longevity and convenience to the user. Aussie self priming centrifugal pumps are used for a wide range of  Durability…Aussie Quik Prime pumps handle harsh applications that include fire fighting, irrigation, high and low environmental work conditions better, because they’re pressure water transfer, agricultural spraying, and even mine built better, using top class materials and expert labour. dewatering.  Guarantee…Only Aussie Quik Prime pumps come with We’re proud of the fact that Aussie pumps make life easier for a 5 year warranty, the first in the industry. farmers, miners, contractors and domestic users.  Value …Whether it’s an Aussie Fire Chief fire pump, or Our pumps are used all


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