Basic Hydraulic Principles Dynatech(基本液压原理Dynatech).pdf

Basic Hydraulic Principles Dynatech(基本液压原理Dynatech).pdf

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Basic Hydraulic Principles Dynatech(基本液压原理Dynatech)

CHAPTER 1 Basic Hydraulic Principles 1.1 General Flow Characteristics In hydraulics, as with any technical topic, a full understanding cannot come without first becoming familiar with basic terminology and governing principles. The basic concepts discussed in the following pages lay the foundation for the more complex analyses presented in later chapters. Flow Conveyance Water travels downhill from points of higher energy to points of lower energy (unless forced to do otherwise) until it reaches a point of equilibrium, such as an ocean. This tendency is facilitated by the presence of natural conveyance channels such as brooks, streams, and rivers. The water ’s journey may also be aided by man-made structures such as drainage swales, pipes, culverts, and canals. Hydraulic concepts can be applied equally to both man-made structures and natural features. Area, Wetted Perim eter, and Hydraulic Radius The term area refers to the cross-sectional area of flow within a channel. When a channel has a consistent cross-sectional shape, slope, and roughness, it is called a p rismatic channel. If the flow in a conveyance section is open to the atmosphere, such as in a culvert flowing partially full or in a river, it is said to be open-channel flow or fr ee-surf ace flow. If a channel is flowing completely full, as with a water distribution pipe, it is said to be operating underfu ll-flow conditions. Pressure flow is a special type of full flow in which forces on the fluid cause it to push against the top of the channel as well as the bottom and sides. These forces may result from, for example, the weight of a column of water in a backed-up sewer manhole or elevated storage tank. A section ’s wetted perimeter is defined as the portion of the cha


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