Deep Vacuum Principles and Application JB (深真空原理及应用简森巴顿).pdf

Deep Vacuum Principles and Application JB (深真空原理及应用简森巴顿).pdf

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Deep Vacuum Principles and Application JB (深真空原理及应用简森巴顿)

Deep Vacuum Principles and Application Introduction   Deep Vacuum Method of evacuation is the only method to use to be sure the system is thoroughly dry and free of non-condensibles and leaks.   Callbacks waste time, money, and damage your reputation in the customers eye. Measuring Evacuation: Microns or Inches?   Micron is a unit of measurement starting from a perfect vacuum (no pressure) that is expressed in linear increments.   One inch= 25,4000 microns thus one micron= 1/25,400 of an inch.   When discussing vacuum in terms of microns, this refers to total ABSOLUTE pressure as opposed to GAUGE pressure. Microns versus Inches   Microns are more accurate unit of measure.   Starting from the same measuring point each time (theoretical perfect vacuum).   Bourdon tube type gauge (analog manifold gauges) cannot read fractions.   Bourdon tubes use atmospheric pressure as reference point which is under constant change throughout the day. Deep Vacuum readings via micron gauges are critical for High SEER systems. Vacuum Pump and How to Select the Pump The first mistake usually made in selecting a pump: The larger the pump, the faster I can do the job Pump Capacity has very little to do with evacuation time in refrigeration systems. Lets review the reasons why: Bigger isnt always Better   Refrigeration systems are constructed of several feet of small diameter tubing.   These small tubes also have return bends and metering devices that offer restriction during evacuation.   Add to that, service valves have 1/4 male flare ports with only 3/16 orifices.   The only way to get more flow through a given orifice is to increase the pressure across


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