Design of a scanning probe microscope扫描探针显微镜的设计

Design of a scanning probe microscope扫描探针显微镜的设计

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Design of a scanning probe microscope扫描探针显微镜的设计

Meas. Sci. Techno!. 5 (1994) 976-984. Printed in the UK Design of a scanning probe microscope H Olin Department of Physics, Chaimers University of Technology, S-412 96 Goteborg, Sweden Received 17 February 1994, in final form 14 April 1994, accepted for publication 18 AprH 1994 Abstract. A compact scanning probe microscope for operation in air and liquid is described. The probe techniques implemented are scanning tunnelling microscopy and scanning ion conductance microscopy. The software, electronics, mechanical construction and some representative measurements will be presented here. The compact and concentric microscope head is built around a commercial piezoelectric inchworm motor. The scanner is a standard piezo tube. An analogue feedback system is used lor taking images, while digitai controi of the probe-sample distance is used for other experiments, such as measurements of current-voitage characteristics. A Macintosh personal computer is used for controi and presentation of data. A simple method to make scanning tunnelling microscope tips suitable for electrochemical use is described. The microscope has a high resonance frequency (9.6 kHz), low noise (0.01 nm Hz-i2 at 10 Hz), low thermal drift (less than 0.1 nm mln-), and high acoustical noise suppression. The current-distance-dependency of the scanning ion conductance microscope was found to be linear. 1. Introduction of the pipette. The current decreases near the surface and the distance is monitorcd by measuring the current. Scanning tunnelling microscopes (STM) [1-4J and An SPM consists of four main parts: the probe, the other scanning probe microscopes


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