How to Synchronize Hydraulic Cylinders(如何同步液压缸).pdf

How to Synchronize Hydraulic Cylinders(如何同步液压缸).pdf

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How to Synchronize Hydraulic Cylinders(如何同步液压缸)

How to Synchronize Hydraulic Cylinders Brendan Casey Marian Tumarkin How to Synchronize Hydraulic Cylinders Copyright © 2006 Brendan Casey Marian Tumarkin All rights reserved. No part of this electronic book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, and recording or otherwise, without the prior, written permission of the publisher. The contents of this book reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience in the field under discussion. The information in this document is distributed on an “As is” basis, without warranty. Every effort was made to render this book free from error and omission. However, the author, publisher, editor, their employees or agents disclaim liability for any injury, loss, or damage to any person or body or organization acting or refraining from action as a result of material in this book, whether or not such injury loss or damage is in any way due to any negligent act or omission, breach of duty, or default on the part of the author, publisher, editor or their employees or agents. First published in 2006 by HydraulicS PO Box 1029 West Perth WA 6872 Australia Email: info@HydraulicS Web: /books About the Authors Brendan Casey is the founder of HydraulicS and the best-selling author of Insider Secrets to Hydraulics the most comprehensive guide to reducing hydraulic equipment operating costs ever published. A fluid power expert with an MBA, he has more than 18 years experience in the design, maintenance and repair of mobile and industrial hydraulic equipment. Dr Marian Tumarkin has over 35 years of experience in the field of Fluid Power with a Ph.D. from the National Academy of Science in Moscow. He is an accomplished scholar in the fi


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