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9 3 Vol. 9No. 3 2002 9 Research of Soil and Water Conservation Sep. , 2002 1, 2 2 苏志珠 , 董光荣 ( 1 , 030006; 2 , 30000) : , , , , , , : ; ; ; :X 144:A : 1005-3409(2002) 03-0133-03 Di scussion on the Present Situation of Land Desertif ication i n China 1, 2 2 SU Zhi-zhu , DONG Guang-rong ( 1 I nst it ute of L oess P latea u in Shanx i Un iv ersity , Ta iy uan 030006,Shanx i P rov ince , Ch ina ; 2 Cold and A rid R eg ions E nv ironmental and E ng ineer ing R esear ch I nst it ute, the Ch inese A cad emy of S ciences ,L anz hou 30000, Gans u P rov ince , Ch ina) Abstract: Land desertification is one of t he most serious global ecological environment problems nowadays, it limits the social and economic development. To understand accurately the concept of desertification is the premise and foundation to control . , land desertification The authors present and review t he different points of desertification concept and analyse the indicators , of the degree of desertificat ion think that desertificat ion is environm ental formation or development of sand desert w it h the appearance of desert-like landscape on ground surface in unoriginal sand desert areas , and means the ext ension and intensification process of sand desert conditions. At last, the authors suggest ed that t heoretical research of desertification, , , , . such as the concept types cause and distribution of land desertification is future reinforced Key words: desertificat ion; land degradation; process of environmen



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