坡地农业甜柿栽培区最佳管理措施效益之研究Benefits of Best.PDF

坡地农业甜柿栽培区最佳管理措施效益之研究Benefits of Best.PDF

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坡地农业甜柿栽培区最佳管理措施效益之研究Benefits of Best

坡地農業甜柿栽培區最佳管理措施效益之研究 (1) (2) (3) 林明育 張文彥 林峻達 摘 要 本研究以InVEST 模式配合土地利用變遷分析,探討樣區農業非點源污染最佳管理措施之 配置效益。結果顯示不同管理措施營養鹽阻截效益之大小依序為濱水區配置緩衝帶、主要污染 路徑草生栽培以及超限利用區之恢復造林。濱水區係因為營養鹽主要匯集處,緩衝帶配置可有 效攔截營養鹽流入河川,其效益最高;農地主要污染途徑因超限利用嚴重及營養鹽超量施用, 致草生栽培之效益次之 ;超限利用主要分布於上邊坡之陡峭區位,離河川水系較遠,其恢復造 林之效益較少。若同時採用三種方式進行模擬 ,其營養鹽輸出量約可減少90% 。另由樣區土地 利用變遷CN 值之差異 ,配合InVEST 模擬可篩選適當之水源涵養及污染物防制之重點區位, 可有效阻截坡地農業非點源污染之排放 ,供相關單位參考使用。 關鍵詞:( 甜柿、 InVEST model 、最佳管理措施) Benefits of Best Management Practices for Slopeland Agricultural Persimmon Plantation Ming- Yu Lin (1) Wen- Yan Zhang (2) Jun-Da Lin (3) Master student (1), Ph.D. student (2) (3), Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, 402, R.O.C. ABSTRACT InVest model coupled with landuse analysis were applied to explore the benefits of best management practices for controlling the agricultural non-point source pollution in this study. Results show that the treatment benefits is placement of vegetated buffer strips along the riparian sites, plantation of covering grass on the main polluted flow paths and reforestation at the illegal agriculture areas in order. The treatment of VBSs along the riparian sites has the best benefit because of the (1)國立中興大學水土保持學系碩士班研究生 (mindashops@) (2)國立中興大學水土保持學系博士班研究生 (3)國立中興大學水土保持學系博士班研究生 1779 水土保持學報48 (3): 1779– 1788 (2016) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 48 (3): 1779– 1788(2016) sites with characteristics of nutrient concentration, which can be intercepted and uptake efficiently by the VBSs. Following is the treatment of covering grass on the flow paths due to over landuse and/or fertilizers of the watershed. The least benefit is the treatmen


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