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24 卷第 5 期 资  源  科  学 Vol. 24 ,No. 5 2002 年 9 月 RESOURCES SCIENCE Sep. ,2002 粮食种植面积提取方法的发展与现状 康晓风 , 王乃斌 ,杨小唤 ( 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 ,北京  100101)   摘要 :粮食估产是我国长期以来进行的一项重要课题。近年来随着计算机技术和 GPS 技术的迅速发 展 ,在种植面积提取方法上有了较大的进展。该文结合 RS 、GIS 、GPS 一体化体系 ,对农情采样系统的理论 依据与工作方法进行了深入研究 ,在总结以往采样工作的基础上 ,提出了对统计资料进行一致性检验 ,分 区建立采样线的方法。同时提出了用 GIS 归纳方法建立样线BUFFER 区模型 ,从理论方面对采样方法进行 讨论 ,从而完善了整个系统的理论基础。 关键词 :农作物估产 ;播种面积 ;采样线 ;BUFFER ; GVG ( ) ( ) 中图分类号:S127 ;S126 261   文献标识码 :A   文章编号 :1007 - 7588 2002 05 - 0008 - 05 PROGRESS OF INFORMATION EXTRACTION METHODS FOR CROP PLANTING AREA KANG Xiaofeng , WANG Naibin , YANG Xiaohuan ( Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research , CAS , Beijing 100101 , China) Abstract :During the past years , crop yield estimation has gained increasing concerns within scientific litera ture of China and quite a few of them are devoted to methods for crop area estimation , which deeply concerns with the crop yield. Apparently , the fast development of computer technology and GPS has contributed a lot to the estimation methods. After reviewing the several systems for yield estimation , a new method for informa tion extraction is proposed. The two important aspects of this new method are taking coherence test on statisti cal data and defining different sampling lines according to different regions. Furthermore , we propose the sample line buffer model , a new method that is supposed to enrich the theoretical bases of crop yield estima tion system.


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