粮食作物栽培学Food Crops Cultivation - 中国农业大学.DOC

粮食作物栽培学Food Crops Cultivation - 中国农业大学.DOC

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粮食作物栽培学Food Crops Cultivation - 中国农业大学

目 录 全校公共课程 1 马克思主义理论课和思想品德课 1 思想道德修养 Cultivation of Ideology Morality 1 思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideology morality law basis 1 毛泽东思想概论Mao Zedong Thought 2 邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论Dengxiaoping’s Theories and Three-deputy Important Theories 2 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论Conspectus of Maozedong’s ideologies Dengxiaoping’s Theories and Three-deputy Tmportant Theories 3 马克思主义政治经济学原理The Discipline of Marxist Economics 3 当代世界经济与政治Contemporary Economy and Politics of the World 4 公共外语课 5 大学英语College English 5 大学日语College Japanese 6 大学俄语College Russian 6 农学与生物技术学院College of Agronomy and Biotechnology 8 普通遗传学 General Genetics 8 植物组织与细胞培养B Plant Tissue and Cell Culture B 8 田间试验设计和生物统计BField trial design and biostatistics 9 分子生物学导论 Introduction of Molecular Biology 9 分子生物学基本原理与技术Principles and Technologies of Molecular Biology 10 植物病理学 Plant Pathology 11 农业昆虫学 Agricultural Entomology 11 农业生态学 Agroecology 12 种子学 Seed Science 13 粮食作物栽培学Food Crops Cultivation 13 经济作物栽培 Cash Crops Cultivation 14 耕作学 Cropping System Soil Management 14 作物育种原理 Principles of Crop Breeding 15 现代作物生产原理和技术 Modern Principle and Techniques of Crop Production 15 农学方向专业英语 Professional English for Agronomy 16 植物遗传育种实验技术 Plant Genetic and Breeding Laboratory Technique 16 分子遗传学和生物技术基础 Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology 17 作物栽培学A Crop Cultivation Methods and Techniques 18 植物育种学 Plant Breeding 18 育种方向专业英语 Professional English 19 农业总论 Agricultural Development Principles 20 中国农业与世界农业 China Agriculture World Agriculture 20 杂草学Weed Science 21 作物品质生理 Crop Quality Physiology 21 作物生态生理 Crop Ecophysiology 22 农业推广学 Popularization in Agriculture 22 农业信息技术Agricultural Information Technology 23 农作物化控与实验技术 Principle and Technology of Crop Chemical Regulation 23 作物栽培生理及其研究方法 Crop Cultivation Physiology and Research Techniques 24 园艺通论 General Horticulture 25 饲用作物栽培 Introduction of Feed Crop Science 25 细胞遗传学 Cytogenetics 26 群体及数量遗传学导论 Introduction to Population and Quantitative Genetics 26 作物品质改良与鉴定技术 Improvement and Identification Meth



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