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26 6 ( ) Vo.l 26 No. 6 2005 11 Journal of Jiangsu Univers ity( Natural Science Edition) Nov. 2005 M /G / 1 朱翼隽, 王晓春, 童仁群 (, 21201 ) : 研究了一个具有两 个服务阶段带反馈的M /G /1重试排队系统. 假定重试区域中只有队首 的顾客允许重试的情况下, 重试时间分布具有 一般分布时, 证明了系统存 稳态的充分必要条件. 利用向量马氏过程的方法求得了稳态时系统队长和重试区域中队长分布顾客的平均等待时间重 试期间服务台处于空闲的概率重试区域为空的概率. 并指出所讨论的重试排队 把系统中服务台 空闲的时间看作休假的情况下也满足随机分解的性质. : M /G / 1重试排队系统; 反馈; 初始服务; 基本服务; 随机分解 : O226 : A : 1671- 7775( 2005) 06- 0496- 05 M /G / 1 retrial queueing system with two phases of services and feedback ZH U Yij un, WAN G X iaochun, TON G R enqun ( Faculty of Science, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 21201 , China) Abstract: AM /G /1 retrial queueing system w ith wt o phases of service and feedback is considered. For an arb itrarily d istributed retrial tmi e d istribution, the necessary and sufficient cond ition for the system sta b ility is obtained, assum ing that only the custom er at the head of the orb it has priority access to the ser ver. The steadystate d istributions of the number of customers in the system and the orb it are obtained along w ith the averagew aiting tmi esw ith m ethod ofVMP. The probab ility that the server is in idlew hen retrial and the probab ility that there is no one in the orb it are also derived. A general decomposition law for this retrial queueing system is established when the tmi e server is considered to be in vacation. K ey w ord s: M /G / 1 retrial queue system; feedback; prelmi inary service; prmi ary service; general decomposition , , , ,


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