句子种类与类型 (ppt).ppt

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句子种类与类型 (ppt)

English Grammar Sentence ;英语句子种类与类型;I、句子种类(按交际用途分) 陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、 感叹句、THERE-BE存在句 ;1、陈述句 说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式和否定式,语序是主语在前,位于在后。 She arrived early. She cannot have arrived now. 注:1)半否定句 I hardly know anything about it. 2)部分否定句与全否定句 I don’t like both the films. I like neither Cathy nor Mary. 3)否定转移 I don’t think it will be very cold today. (believe, expect, suppose,imagine);2、疑问句 有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反义疑问句。;2)特殊疑问句 疑问词有who,whose,what,which,where,when,why,how等。;3)选择疑问句 (1)以一般疑问句为基础 Is he a teacher or a doctor or a policeman? Shall I help you or can you manage? (2)以特殊疑问句为基础 Which do you prefer, red wine or white? How shall we go there? By bus or by train? ;1.Tom hardly knows French, ______ ______? 2.—Mary didnt fail her exam, did she? ---______, she didn‘t. 3.You needn’t come, ______ you? You need to come, ______ you? 4.He had a big time there, ______ he? He had a car, ______ he? We hardly have to get up early, ______ we? 5.He used to live in Leeds, ______ he?;6.Let’s go to the match at once, ______ we? Leave me alone, ______ you? 7.They have been learning to drive, ______ they? 8.No one was hurt, ______ ______ ? 9.There is no doubt() about it, ______ ______ ? 10.Anna hasn’t got to go to school on Sunday, ______ she?;3、祈使句 表达命令、要求、请求、劝告等,用原形。;3、祈使句;4、感叹句 由what 或how引导的,表示惊奇、愤怒、赞赏、喜悦等。;5、 THERE-BE存在句


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