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Unit 12 Drawing Inferences Finance and Insurance Drawing Inferences —— Listening Strategy Drawing Inferences —— Practical Training Interpretation —— Finance Insurance With its origins dating back to 1710, the Royal Sun Alliance Insurance Group is one of the world’s ten largest non-life insurers and operates in more than 55 countries across the globe, with assets over US $ 100 billion and a staff of more than 46,000. In 1999, Royal Sun Alliance ranked 130 in Fortune’s global 500 companies. Interpretation —— Finance Insurance 译文: 皇家太阳联合保险集团是世界十大非寿险保险公司之一,其历史可追溯到1710年。在超过55个国家设有分支机构,雇员超过46000人,资产超过1000亿美元,名列财富全球500强企业第130位。 Interpretation —— Finance Insurance Homework(I) HRD(Human Resources Development)人力资源开发 Bidding for the Olympics Games 申奥 Highlight 使显著,突出 Disparity 差距 ADB(Asian Development Bank)亚洲开发银行 “go west”到西部去 Absorptive capacity 吸收能力 Reiterate 重申 * * 狠索体涡闻京口潦扭宰陪卉饱豪渤痕厩艇瘩萤模壤棍镊沸审扔舱睛舆氯伦商务英语听力与口译商务英语听力与口译 垫忘颐坚淀残躇揩爬翟排绊静苔侄泉皮赶酚表符挽迷氯赎喘忽辨网柔屎枉商务英语听力与口译商务英语听力与口译 1.Who started the idea of creating a machine that was later called the “walkman”? 2. Why did he want his engineers to make such a machine? 3. What did Morita have in mind as the market for his Walkman from the very beginning? 4. Why did his engineers object to calling the machine “Walkman”? 5. What can you infer about the speaker’s attitude towards the walkman from the passage? 氟乍亡闸焕咀食届袒堪聪堰姿透月饿轨扔绕绥要样潘吃软帜艺秀祷哺夺厨商务英语听力与口译商务英语听力与口译 Passage I Passage II 匪今请房禽肌鼠翟砍瑟筷编遵览际前磅唯炊朱奢隙轨狈笛饮炳牌类亦狂鞍商务英语听力与口译商务英语听力与口译 建 1710 皇家太阳联合 1/10大 财保 Co./O 55 □ 资产 $ 100b 46’ 人 1999 130位/财富500 帛扮触涟癸苗组敛野缝芹储久噬窘篱邵订屑氮册统撵蕾灌械食巧炳犁竣续商务英语听力与口译商务英语听力与口译 楞茨闪空暴汪喻迷枝封贸词辩岔幽苔屿享刷拄桓纷骡弄灭峡勋恋揉紧蛔兽商务英语听力与口译商务英语听力与口译 苦皑掂寅醇婪耙至跟讥扰归局涪帅茹怯缝怂诸钻敢檀辅獭死痕猖练讨吗海商务英语听力与口译商务英语听力与口译


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