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“强调”在英语教学中是一个重要的语法项目,也是教学的重点和难点,本文主要从强调句型和谓语强调两个方面对其进行阐述。 一、强调句型 1. 陈述句的强调句,强调陈述句中的某个成分。 ???????? 为了强调句子中的有些成分,要用强调结构It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+其他部分。被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语、状语,但不能是定语或谓语。这种类型的强调句主要注意一下几个方面: 1)It在这一结构中作主句的主语,所以即使被强调部分是复数名词,也要用is或was。 e.g. Tom and Mark often come to see me. It is Tom and Mark Who often come to see me.?????????????? (强调主语) 2)如果被强调部分是时间、地点、方式或原因也不用when, where, how, why, 而用that;强调人时可用who,也可用that。 e.g.(1)They set out the day before yesterday. It was the day before yesterday that they set out??? (强调时间状语) (2)We put off the sports meet because of the rain. It was because of the rain that we put off the sports meet? (强调原因状语) (3)It was because she was ill that they didn’t ask her to do the job.??? (强调原因状语从句) 3)如果被强调的代词是原句的主语,代词用主格I, we, he, she...,如果是宾语,则用宾格代词me, us, him, her….... e.g.(1)I am leaving for London next week. It was I that (who) am leaving for London next week.???????? (强调人称代词主格) (2)You met me yesterday. It was me that you met yesterday.???????????(强调人称代词宾格) 4)被强调部分如果是原句的主语,who或that后面谓语的人称和数应和原句的主语一致。 — Personally, I think it is the salesmanager, rather than the salesgirls, ____ to blame. ?—I agree with you. A. is??? B. that is??? C. are??? D. who are ?(答案B) 2. 一般疑问句的强调句,只需把is(was)提前。 e.g. (1) Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out? (2) Is it Professor Wang who teaches you English? (3) —Was is two months ago _____ you luckily got an opportunity to spend your holiday in Canada? ?????? — _____. John was the lucky dog.. A. when; Not I??? B. when; Not only C. that; Not all??? D. that; Not me??????????????????? (答案D) 3.特殊疑问句的强调句,强调特殊疑问句中的疑问词。 e.g.? (1) Where did you find the wallet? Where was it that you found the wallet (2) When shall we meet? When is it that we shall meet? ???????? 从上面的例子中我们可以看出,特殊疑问句的强调句是由“特殊疑问词+was(is) it that +陈述句”构成的。但是当含有特殊疑问词的强调句型用在宾语从句中的时候,上述句型应改为‘特殊疑问词+it? was( is) that +陈述句”,即采用陈述句语序。 e.g.? (1) — where was it ____ the road accident happened yesterday? ????????? — In front of the market. A. when??? B. th


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