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展会回顾 - 袜业

上海国际袜交会彩色资料设计文案 CHPE2017 第十二届上海国际袜业采购交易会 2017 The 12th Shanghai International Hosiery Purchasing Expo 2017年3月1-3日 Mar.1-3.2017 上海世博展览馆(上海市浦东新区国展路1099号) Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Convention Center(1099 Guo Zhan Road,Shanghai,China)? 展会回顾: “2016第十一届上海国际袜业采购交易会”于2016年3月1-3日在上海世博展览馆召开!展出面积1.7万平米,其中国际展商为58家,展位共计900个。 为期3天的展会吸引近来自52个国家及地区28638名专业买家与会参观采购。来自中国、欧美、韩国、印度、孟加拉国、泰国、巴基斯坦等袜业生产大国,展示了世界各地最优质的男女短袜、长袜、童袜、袜纱、袜机等产品。展会现场展商与专业买家地零距离沟通,使供需双方快捷地建立了商贸合作关系;丰富多彩的研讨会和商贸活动,使与会者获得了大量的行业政策与资讯、市场与行业动态、未来发展趋势等信息。CHPE作为袜业行业专业性最强,国际化程度最高,展览规模最大,展出效果最好的国际性盛会,越来越受到业内人士地青睐。 2017年第十二届上海国际袜业采购交易会,依旧惊喜不断,不容错过! 11th Shanghai International Hosiery Purchasing Expo 2016 has been successfully held on March 3rd 2016 at Shanghai World?Expo Exhibition Convention Center. The exhibition area covers 17,000 square meters with 400 companies ,58 International companies have exhibited at the show and over 900booth has been built at the hall. 28,638 visitors from 52 regions and countries attended the show for sourcing purposes in 2016. Key hosiery and sock manufacturing hubs like China, Europe, America, Korea, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Pakistan show-cased their latest products like socks hosiery ,socks yarn, machines and some other related accessories. The event created a direct contact in between the exhibitors and the buyers from all around the word ,fostering greater business opportunities and relationship. A series of on–site seminars and business matching program provide a vast amount of marketing information in government policy, market information and future marketing trend to all attendees, CHPE, as the leading professional hosiery event, has gained an excellent reputation of its scale, exhibitors’ ROI and international presence. We look forward to seeing you in CHPE 2017. CHPE-非凡空间 无限可能 国际平台——集合海内外众多袜业知名品牌 思想盛宴——创新设计、创新产品云集,引领时尚潮流 买家专业——高质量的观众邀请、买家俱乐部等活动,助力拓展新领地 顶级展馆——上海世博展览馆气势恢宏、设施先进、区位优越,放飞梦想的理想之地 CHPE- Extraordinary platform with infinite possibilities for



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