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consideration n.仔细考虑, 深思 considering prep. 考虑到 considerable adj. 相当多的,相当大的 considerate adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的 consider (doing) sth. 考虑(做)某事 regard…as…/ consider…as (to be)…认为是 consider it+adj.+to do sth.…认为做……怎样 take…into consideration / account 把……列入考虑范围 用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)我考虑找个新工作。 I am considering ________ (find) a new job. (2)我们认为他是英明的领导人。 We consider him ________ our wise leader. finding as (3)我认为有必要提醒他他的不端行为。 I consider ________ necessary to remind him of his bad behavior. (4)关于执行这个工程,我们应该把预算考虑进去。 As for carrying out this project, we should take the budget into ______________ (consider). it  consideration 7. wonder n. 惊奇;奇迹,奇人/事 v. 不知道,想知道 I wonder how I can succeed in writing. 我想知道如何在写作上获得成功。 Its a wonder (that) 难得 Its no wonder (that) 难怪 wonder+if 从句“请问您是否……” wonder+从句 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)难得你还认得我。 __________ you recognized me. (2)难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果。  ________________he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day. (3)相信自己,你能创造奇迹。 Trust yourself — you can work ________. Its a wonder It is no wonder wonders (4)Ted不知道警察局为什么要他去一趟。 Ted _________________ he was wanted by the police. (5)不知您是否能为我抽出几分钟时间。 I ________________ you could spare me a few minutes. wondered why wonder if 8. remove vt. 移走;排除;开除;脱去(衣服等);摘下 A team was sent to remove the fallen trees. 一个小组被派去移走刮倒的树木。 remove sb. from office 免除某人的职务 remove oneself 自动退出;下台 remove a hidden danger 消除隐患 remove covers 揭开盖子 remove misunderstanding 消除误会 用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)他把画取下来,放到抽屉里。 He ________ (remove) the picture and put it in the drawer. (2)据说他已被免除职务了。 It is said that he has already ____________ (remove) from his office. removed  been removed  (3)学校举办了一次讲座,消除了所有可能的安全隐患。 A lecture has been held in the school ____________ (remove) all the possible hidden dangers. to remove 9. remain vi. 保持,仍是 To keep ones hair on is the same as telling a person to remain calm and not become angry. 让人保持镇定的意思就是让人冷静,不要


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