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2009 4 182 Chin J C rdiov sc Reh bil Med, Apr 2009, Vol 18 No.2 125 · · 新生大鼠心肌细胞的原代培养 1 1 2 2 马芳芳 , 沈晓丽 , 林立芳 , 韩莉莉 ::。:0.0625%2 d , 10%DM EM , , (Brdu)CO 7 d。: 1 140 , 2 90%;4 ~6h , 12 ~ 24h , 3 ~4 d ;、 、 , 。: 、 , 。 :;; :1008-0074 (2009)02-0125-04 :Q95209 :A Primary culture of neonate rattus cardiocyte/MA Fang-fang, SHEN Xiao-li, LIN Li-fang, HAN Li-li//Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular ehabilitationMedicine, 2009, 18 (2):125 Abstract:Objective:T o explore the prim ry cultures method of neon t l r t c rdiomyocytes.Methods:C rdi c mus- cle of tw o-d y neon te r ttus w s digested repe tedly by 0.0625% trypsin.The c rdiocytes were collected in DMEM medium, which cont ins 10%fet l bovine serum.Myoc rdi l cells were isol ted with the technique of differenti l n- choring velocity with 90 min nd were pured by Brdu.The c rdiocytes w ere pl ced into CO incub tor to incub te sev- 2 en d y s fter their purific tion. esults:A tot l of 1.4 million c rdiocytes c n be obt ined from one r t nd the vit l cell w s over 90%;C rdiocytes beg n to dhere nd grow fter 4 ~ 6 h, to obviously prolifer tion f ter 12 ~24 h, nd to converge together f ter3~4 d y s.The c rdiocytes showed spheric l, fusiform nd polygon sh pe in the visu l field of inverted microscope.All cells stretched out p r podium nd be ted spont neously nd rhythmic lly .Conclu- sion:A gre t qu ntity nd high surviv l r te c rdiocytes c n be effectively nd quickly cultured by this method. Author′s address:Fuji n Provinci l Hospit l, Fuji n M edic l University, Fuzhou, Fuji n, 350001, Chin Key words:Myoc rdium;Cell culture techniques;R t [1]


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