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有主旨的解說 Thematic Interpretation 讓我們做些改變! Making a difference on purpose! 學習目標 Learning Outcomes 結束之後,你將能夠…… At the completion, you’ll be able to … 解釋在解說 EROT 模式中的 T 是什麼意思。 explain the “T” in the EROT model of interpretive communication 解釋什麼是有主旨的解說,以及為什麼它是比較好的方式。 explain what thematic interpretation is and why it makes sense to practice it 舉出主旨的例子,並知道怎麼撰寫。 give examples of themes and know how to write your own 學習目標(續上頁) Learning Outcomes (cont.) 你還能夠…… And, you’ll be able to … 主旨式地思考。 think thematically 產生新的或是有主旨的解說方案的點子。 generate ideas for new or enhanced thematic interpretive programs 發展有主旨的旅遊或其他報告。 develop thematic tours and other presentations 告訴別人你學了什麼。 tell another person what you learned 解說的四個要點 Interpretation Has Four Essential Qualities (Ham-Weiler EROT Model) 1. 解說是愉快的(Enjoyable) Interpretation is enjoyable. 2. 解說是適宜的(Relevant) Interpretation is relevant. -- 有意義的 meaningful -- 個人化的 personal 3. 解說是組織良好的(Organized) Interpretation is organized. 4. 解說是有主旨的(Thematic) Interpretation is thematic. Ham-Weiler EROT 解說模式 Ham-Weiler EROT Model of Interpretive Communication 根據兩個世紀的研究。 Based on two centuries of research 當四個要點都達到時,就可以確保有「成功的」溝通。 When all four qualities are in place, “successful” communication is almost guaranteed 「成功」意指遊客會專心並且抓住要點(主旨)。 “Success” means that visitors pay attention and get the point (theme) 有主旨的思考 Think Thematically 主旨 ? 主題 Theme ? Topic 用主旨來解說的原因 Communicating Themes Has a Purpose! 人們會記得主旨;忘記個別的事實。你這個人是由你一生中所學到的主旨累積而成的。 People remember themes; they forget isolated facts. You’re a walking, lifelong accumulation of learned themes! 主旨幫助你做準備。 Having a theme helps YOU prepare. 有主旨式的思考激發你的創造力。 Thinking thematically unleashes your creativity! 主旨式解說的原因 Communicating Themes Has a Purpose! 主旨是種信念;信念是形成態度與行為的基石。 Themes are beliefs; beliefs are the building blocks of attitudes and behavior. 有趣的主旨幾乎可以確保一場有趣的解說。 Having an interesting theme almost guarantees an interesting presentation. 為何主旨這麼重要呢? So why is it important to be


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