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三亚市主要蔬菜种植地水域和土壤中总氮含量的测定及评价 摘 要 : 近些年来,随着人口的不断增长,各种瓜果蔬菜等粮食的需求量也快速上升。三亚市作为全国冬季瓜果蔬菜的主要输出地,为了有效的利用有限的土地资源,最大限度的保障农产品供给,有许多农户们大量施用农药、化肥。过量的施用农药、化肥、超量施肥,使得三亚市农业污染问题逐年加重,成为三亚市生态环境主要污染源之一,三亚市的地表水环境和土壤环境的主要污染源之一。 本研究通过对三亚市主要蔬菜种植地区水域和土壤中总氮含量测定,并以此为数据对三亚市生态环境和水环境的影响评价,寻求实现三亚市生态环境的可持续发展的改善方法。实验方法分为:用《水质 总氮的测定碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法》 HJ 636—2012测定三亚市蔬菜种植地灌溉水源水质总氮含量;用《土壤 土壤全氮测定法》 GB 7173-87测定三亚市蔬菜种植地土壤中总氮含量。测定结果表明:(1)5个采样地区地表水环境中的总氮均未超过三类水质标准(30mg/L);(2)采样点的总氮污染的范围加大,而地区总氮污染的程度有所缓解。(3)土壤中氮污染随着水稻与豇豆的换种而有加大的趋势。因此,为减轻地表水环境和土壤环境中的氮污染,政府应加大向农户宣传减少农药与化肥的使用;控制地表水环境和土壤环境中的氮污染范围不在扩展。 关键词:氮污染;总氮含量;土壤污染;水体富营养化 ABSTRACT: In recent years, as the population continues to grow, all kinds of fruits and vegetables and other food demand is also rising fast. Sanya as the main output of the winter melon and fruit vegetables, in order to effective use of limited land resources, the maximum guarantee supply of agricultural products, there are many farmers use of pesticides and fertilizers. Excessive use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, excessive fertilization, make sanya agricultural pollution problems increase year by year, became one of the main pollution sources in sanya ecological environment, sanya is one of the main sources of pollution of surface water environment and soil environment. This research main vegetable planting area of sanya waters and the content of total nitrogen in the soil, and in order for the data to sanya ecological environment and water environment impact assessment, seek to realize the sustainable development of ecological environment, sanya improvement method. Experimental method is divided into: with the water quality of total nitrogen determination of alkaline potassium persulfate digestion, uv spectrophotometry, sanya HJ determination of 636-2012 vegetable gardens irrigation water source water quality in total nitrogen content; In the soil, soil total nitrogen determination method of GB 7173-87 determination of total nitrogen content in vegetable gardens soil, sanya. Measu


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