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No. 1 1
Feb. , 2008 M ICROPROCE SSORS 2008 2
倪 飞, 王英民, 王 成, 张争气
(西北工业大学航海学院, 西安 710072)
: 详细介绍了对缠机的工作原理和硬软件设计思想, 通 S7- 200PLC 对变频器和步
系统在提高排缆质量的前提下, 有效解决了收缆和排缆 程的统一问题, 实验证明本系统具有很好
: PLC; 变频器; 步进电机; 闭环; 变频调速
: TP272 : B : 1002- 2279( 2008) 01- 0150- 03
The A ppli ation and Resear h of PLC in an Auto- ro lling Contro l Sy stem
N I Fe,i WANG Y ing- m in, WANG Cheng, ZHANG Zheng- qi
( Colleg e of M arine E ng ineering, N or thw estern P o ly tech n ical Un iversity, X i an 7 10072, Ch ina )
Abs tract: This paper introdu es the theorem of the auto- rolling ontrol system and the realization of
hardw are and softw are in parti u lar. S7- 200 PLC an ontrol frequen y onverters and stepp ing motors.
Th is ontrol system an mi plement initiative tub wheel lose- loop speed ontrol, passivity tub wheel
hange velo ity and frequen y follow tension and put dow n ab le automati ally et . U nder the pre ond ition
of mi prove quality, th is system an solve thew hole prob lem of put dow n- able and draw ba k- able in
effe t. The expermi entation proves that the app li ation value of the system is very good.
K ey w ord s: PLC; Frequen y onverters; S tepp ing motors; Close- loop; V ariable velo ity variable
frequen y
, 2. 1
200, S7- 200
, , , SAMCO - vm05 ,
, DMD402, M S- 1,
1000, 2 GL
, :
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