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* * SQL注入攻击:攻击者可通过提交一段数据库查询代码,根据返回的结果,获得关键敏感的数据,甚至可添加非法的数据。SQL注入攻击带来的最直接的危害就是可能会导致用户帐户信息的泄漏和非法修改后台数据库。 跨站点脚本攻击:恶意攻击者往Web页面里插入恶意html代码,当用户浏览该页之时,嵌入其中Web里面的html代码会被执行,从而达到恶意用户的特殊目的,该攻击导致的最直接的后果就是被攻击的用户的电脑上的各种帐户和密码等个人资料的丢失。 * All software will have bugs, the trick is to find them quickly and patch them. During the time between vulnerability discovery and a patch being ready – often weeks or months – you’re left vulnerable to attack. * * * * Trustwave ConfidentialHeader Integrity: Lost revenue Damaged reputation Code leakage Security: “For profit” hacking Identity theft Compliance: Lawsuits Non-compliance fees Meet government regulations Data protection * * * WebDefend provides another view into the performance of the applications. The URLs are profiled to track their performance characteristics. How long did it take for the Request to arrive at the system (first packet to the last packet of the Request). How long did it take for the system to handle this Request and how long it took to send the Response. These details impact the customers experience and can also be used to predict environment upgrade requirements. Detecting an increase in session errors or slow-sessions might indicate a server performance deficit. Why is there a drop in the connections at the same time every day? * * Trustwave 360 Application Security bridges the gap between expert manual testing and automated protection. Swap OS Patches with Application Performance * * * 计算机病毒(文件型) 防病毒软件(单机版) Internet兴起以及网络攻击出现 防火墙/代理服务器(网关型) Internet攻击加剧以及DDoS攻击出现 防火墙/漏洞扫描/入侵检测(Internet出口) Internet蠕虫病毒泛滥/黑客攻击工具泛滥 网络版防病毒软件(病毒特征码在线升级、网关型防病毒产品) 内部网络保护(内部防火墙/个人防火墙) SpyWare泛滥以及新型病毒(MSN/QQ/注入式病毒)、各种变种网络病毒、更严重的安全攻击和威胁 新时期的内部网络解决方案? 1983年,美国计算机专家首次将病毒程序在计算机上进行了实验。 1986年,巴基斯坦两兄弟为追踪非法拷贝自己软件的人制造了“巴基斯坦”病毒,成了世界上公认的第一个传染个人电脑兼容机的病毒,并很快在全球流行。 1988年,计算机病毒传入我国。 从1988年莫里斯从实验室放出第一个蠕虫病毒以来,计算机蠕虫病毒以其快速、多样化的传播方式不断给网络世界带来灾害。特别是1999年以来,高危蠕虫病毒的不断出现,使世界经济蒙受了轻则几十亿,重则几百亿美元的巨大损失。 Traditional security solutions either monitor p


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