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翻译:山中访友(李汉荣)Translation: Visiting Friends in Mountain (Li Hanrong)(translated: alexcwlin; edited: adam.L)(Note 1)走出门,就与含着露水和栀子花气息的好风撞个满怀.早晨,好清爽!心里的感觉好清爽!The moment I go out the door, I run squarely into a gust of wholesome wind (2) loaded with dews and gardenia flower fragrance. It is a good morning, and I feel fresh and crisp inside and out.************************************************************************不骑车,不邀游伴,也不带什么礼物,就带着满怀的好心情,哼几段小曲,踏一条幽径,独自去访问我的朋友.With a ton of good spirit but without riding a vehicle, taking along a friend or carrying a gift, I step on an off-the-beaten-track path while humming a few notes,and set off alone to visit my friends.************************************************************************那座古桥,是我要拜访的第一个老朋友.The ancient bridge is the first old friend I want to visit.德高望重的老桥,你在这涧水上站了几百年了?I ask: “As a long-existing bridge of high integrity and respect, how many hundreds of years have you been standing in this creek?你累吗?Aren’t you tired? 你把滚滚水送向远方,You deliver gushing water to distant places. 你弓着腰,俯身吻着水中的人影鱼影月影.波光明灭,泡沫聚散,You bend over and kiss reflections of people, fish and moon on shimmering and foaming water.岁月是一去不返的逝川,Time goes and never returns like ever-disappearing brook water. 唯有你坚持着,你那从不改变的姿态,让我看到了一种古老而坚韧的灵魂.Only you persevere in a steadfast stance and let me see your old-fashioned yet tenacious soul.”************************************************************************走进这片树林,每一株树都是我的知己,向我打着青翠的手势.Then I enter a piece of woodland. Every tree there is my close friend greeting me withtheir green hand-signs. 有许多鸟唤我的名字,Many birds call my name. 有许多露珠与我交换眼神.A lot of dews wink at me and I wink back(3). 我靠在一棵树上,静静地,以树的眼睛看周围的树,我发现每一株树都在看我.I lean against a tree in silence, and look at other trees around me through eyes of tree. I notice every tree is looking at me.我闭上眼睛,我真的变成了一株树,I close my eyes and it seems I really turn into a tree. 脚长出根须,深深扎进泥土和岩层,呼吸地层深处的元气,Roots grow out of my feet and drill deep into soil and rocksto suck up t


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