
266 nm陶瓷激光器反射照相在指纹显现中的应用.PDF

266 nm陶瓷激光器反射照相在指纹显现中的应用.PDF

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266 nm陶瓷激光器反射照相在指纹显现中的应用

Optoelectronics 光电子, 2016, 6(2), 33-38 Published Online June 2016 in Hans. /journal/oe /10.12677/oe.2016.62006 The Application of 266 nm Ultraviolet Ceramic Laser in Visualization Latent Fingerprints by Reflection 1 1 1 2 2 2 Yun Zou , Zhenke Qin , Xuejun Zhao , Nengbin Cai , Xiaochun Huang , Sibo Wen , Feiyu Yang1*, Wenbin Liu1* 1 Shanghai Key Laboratory of Crime Scene Evidence, Shanghai Research Institute of Criminal Science and Technology, Shanghai 2 Institute of Forensic Science, Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, Shanghai th rd th Received: May 17 , 2016; accepted: Jun. 3 , 2016; published: Jun. 6 , 2016 Copyright © 2016 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract This paper describes visualization of latent fingerprints by 266 nm ultraviolet ceramic laser. Self-made 266 nm ultraviolet laser with a ceramic gain medium was used to illuminate the la- tent fingerprints on the non-porous substrates. The images were recorded by ultraviolet cam- era through reflection photography. The results showed that the marriage of ultraviolet ce- ramic laser and reflection photography was an effective method on visualization of latent fin- gerprint on non-porous substrates. The visualization rate of oil fingerprints is higher than the sweat fingerprints. Ceramic materials have the advantages of good chemical stability, high-tem- perature resistance, size stability and light diffuse reflection. The 266 nm


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