Let’s go to Myanmar.ppt

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Let’s go to Myanmar

Let’s go to Myanmar 王丽佳 李汪洋 social etiquettes In interpersonal communication, Burmese are very modest ,polite and friendly. In daily life, Burmese respect the elder very much. The communication between men and women is very conservative, they usually don’t have physical contact. Strictly speaking, Burmese don’t have family name. Dining etiquette Their staple food (主食)is rice and they like aquatic products(水产品). Burmese usually don’t eat pork, dog meat and beef. They don’t eat internal organs of the animals as well. Many of them don’t drink wines. they commonly like drinking soft drink, coffee and hot tea(其实是一种怪味茶). They eat with their hands, sometimes they use spoons and plates . Custom taboo Things you must respect: Cymbidium in East Asia , teak ,ruby, banyan . Animals they adore: white elephant , common ox, peacock , owl and crow. People you cannot ignore : 1) monks Every man must be a monk once in Myanmar, so don’t be rude to them in any occasion. 2) women They have high status in Myanmar. They can marriage freely and have economic income.(亚洲第一女权国) 3) soldiers They have great power in countrys political life, so be careful. The costume of Myanmar 缅族的服饰与中国云南傣族相似,不论男女下身都穿筒裙,男裙称“笼基”,女裙称“特敏 ”。男上衣为无领对襟长袖短外衣,女上衣为斜襟短外衣。每逢重要场合,男人多戴缅式礼帽(缅语称“岗包”,用细藤编胚、以粉红或浅黄色纱巾裹扎而成)。缅甸妇女多留长发,挽发髻,戴鲜花,喜爱用缅语称为“檀那伽”的香木浆涂在脸上,有清凉、防晒、护肤作用。缅甸人不分男女,不分场合均穿拖鞋,军人除外。 缅式礼帽 缅甸服装 The music of Myanmar 缅甸音乐虽然受到中国以及印度的影响,但是有自己的风格,在有些方面是独一无二的。其音乐的最大特点就是在于他的乐器。缅甸最主要的名族乐器是弯弓竖琴(The Burmese Harp ) The dance of Myanmar 缅甸舞蹈历史悠久,具有古老的传统。 缅甸舞蹈可分为两大类:1)?古代戏剧舞蹈 是从缅甸傀儡戏、古典戏剧及阿迎舞等古典艺术中产生的。如拜神舞、仙人舞、拨罗舞、男女傀儡舞等。 2)民间舞蹈 缅甸民间舞以各种鼓舞为主。有瑞波大鼓、长鼓、兄弟鼓(双鼓)、短鼓、象脚鼓、背鼓等鼓舞 。 * Burmese Buddhism Kyats unity团结 peace &vibrant country 和平、安宁和青葱翠绿的国家 braveness & resolution 勇敢和决心 never fall like stars 像星星一样永恒不坠 national emblem national day: January 4th Cymbidium hybridum Hort ruby teak green peafowl Three meeting etiquette namaste 1)When you see monk


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