Mummies 不腐干尸.ppt

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Mummies 不腐干尸

Mummies --干尸 张品 What is mummy: dried body the whole body is gloomy the body is withered and on the bones the belly sunkens dating to Qing dynsty more than 200 years The classification: Artificial mummy Natural mummy Artificial mummy (1)Mummy(木乃伊): ussually reported by foreign countries and processed after death (2)mummy inside the coffin (棺内干尸): high level of sealing in the coffin,tomb or dried place specific examples: Mawangdui mummy: damp environment, but with quantities of charcoal to dry the conffin, and perfect sealing by white paste mud or other things Xinzhui the wife of Licang (prime minister of Changsha ) Natural mummy without manual handling dried and hot environment leads to the rapid dehydration(脱水) the air is circulated(流通的) The stream princess: dried and hot desert The stream princess the 惠能法师 仁义师太 大兴菩萨 德清菩萨 释德清 无暇禅师 THANKS! * Eminent monks : eating poisonous substance before death 释地藏 释海庆 释隐莲 妙智菩萨 释妙智 慈航法师 *


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