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table?[?te?b(?)l] n. 桌子,at table吃饭at the table在桌旁table tennis?[?te?b(?)l ?ten?s] n. 乒乓球 tablet?ten?s n. 药片 tail?[te?l] n. (动物的)尾巴 tailor?[?te?l?(r)] n. 裁缝 take (took, taken) ?[te?k] vt. 拿;;;;;take off起飞;脱掉;取消;take over接收;接管;接任;take out取出;take care当心; 注意;保重 take place发生Some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 tale?[te?l] n. 故事, 传说 talent?[?t?l?nt] n. 天才,天赋 He has great?talent, but he has lost his faith. 他很有天赋,但是他已经丧失了信心talk?[t??k] n. v.谈话,讲话,演讲,交谈 talk about讨论; 谈及; 谈论talk with 与(某人)谈话; 对(某人)讲话 tall?[t??l] a. 高的 tank?[t??k] n. ; tanker?[?t??k?(r)] n. 油船 tap?[t?p] n. (自来水煤气等的)龙头 tape?[te?p] n. 磁带; tape recorder?[te?p r??k??d?(r)] n. 磁带录音机 target?[?tɑ?ɡ?t] n./ v. 目标,把…作为攻击目标 task?[tɑ?sk; (US) t?sk] n. , 工作 taste?[te?st] n. 品尝, 尝味; vt. 品尝, 尝味 It has a delicious taste. 这东西味道鲜美。This food tasted good. 这东西味道不错。 tasteless?[?te?stl?s] a. 无滋味的 I think the vegetables are a bit tasteless. 我觉得蔬菜没什么滋味。tasty?[?te?st?] a. 味道好的 These pancakes made by my mother are really tasty.?? 我妈妈做的这些煎饼非常好吃。tax?[t?ks] n. 税, tax-free?[t?ks fri?]免税的 taxi?[?t?ks?] n. 出租汽车 taxipayer n. 纳税人 tea?[ti?] n. ; teach(taught,taught) ?[ti?] v. 教书,教 teacher?[?ti?t??(r)] n. 教师, team?[ti?m] n. 队,teamwork [?ti?mw??k] n. 合作,teapot?[?ti?p?t] n. 茶壶 tear?[te?(r)] n. 眼泪 v. 扯破, 撕开 tease?[ti?z] v. 取笑,戏弄,寻开心 technical?[?tekn?k(?)l] a. ,The job calls for technical skill.?做这项工作需要专门技术。technique?[?tekn?k(?)l] n. 技术;技巧,方法 We must learn their advanced techniques. 我们要学习他们的先进技术。technology?[tek?n?l?d??] n. 技术 He majors in engine technology in this college. 他在这所学院主修发动机工艺。teenager?[?ti?ne?d??(r)] n.(1319岁的), telegram?[?tel?ɡr?m] n. 电报 telegraph ?[?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] v. (拍) 电报 telephone?[?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] v. 打电话 n. 电话 telephone-booth或telephone-box n. 公用电话间 telescope?[?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] n. 望远镜 television?[?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] n. 电视 tell (told, told) ?[tel] vt.,讲述,吩咐 tell jokes 讲笑话; tell stories 讲故事; tell lies说谎temperature?[?tempr?t??(r)] n. 温度 temple?[?temp(?)l] n. 庙宇, temporary?[?temp?


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