unit4 第四单元 微波炉的发明.ppt

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unit4 第四单元 微波炉的发明

* * * Unit 4 Isnt It Wonderful? Passage B The Invention of the Microwave Oven ★Review 1. blog 微博 2. electronic products 电子产品 3. be out of 不在... 4. recharge 充电 5. disposable 一次性的... 6. programme 程序 7. in ones opinion 按照某人的看法 a Microwave oven ★? Who is the inventor of the microwave oven? Percy Spencer(1894-1970) 中文名:珀西.斯本塞 美国人,发明家,微波炉的发明者。 The Invention of the Microwave Oven ★New words and Expressions 1. generate 产生 2. high-frequency 高频率的 3. melt 熔化 4. engineer 工程师 5. curious 好奇的 6. rise( rose , risen ) 增加 7. explode( explosion) 爆炸 8. light (lighted/lit, lighted/lit) 照亮 9. scientific 科学的 10. conclusion 结论 11. exposure 暴露 12. thus 因此 13. practical 实际的 14. domestic 家用的 15. feed (fed, fed ) 提供(原料) 16. intrigue v.引发…的好奇心 intrigued 好奇的 17. electromagnetic 电磁的 ★New words and Expressions 1. have no idea 不知道 2. get close to 靠近 3. pop out 喷出 4. be joined by 和...一道 5. light up 闪亮,发光 6. work on 从事 7. large quantities of 大量的 8. come on the market 面市/上市 ★Fast Reading When Was the microwave oven invented ? In 1946 ★Careful Reading Sum up the important events in the invention of the microwave oven, using the clues on the left. Clues Events chocolate bar It started to melt when it got too close to an electronic tube. popcorn kernels egg metal box Clues Events chocolate bar It started to melt when it got too close to an electronic tube. popcorn kernels Popcorn was popping out over the lab floor when placed near the electronic tube. egg metal box Clues Events chocolate bar It started to melt when it got too


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