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轮胎侧偏动特性对汽车操纵稳定性的影响摘要:随着经济、科技等各方面的发展日新月异,汽车已成为人们不可或缺的出行工具,人们对汽车的外观、舒适性、操纵稳定性等各方面的要求也日渐提高。汽车操纵稳定性,是指在驾驶员不感觉过分紧张、疲劳的条件下,汽车能按照驾驶员通过转向系统及转向车轮给定的方向(直线或转弯)行驶;且当受到外界干扰(路不平、侧风、货物或乘客偏载)时,汽车能抵抗干扰而保持稳定行驶的性能。影响汽车操纵稳定性的因素有很多,其中轮胎是汽车与地面连接的纽带,对汽车行驶过程的平稳度、舒适度有很大的影响。轮胎侧偏特性是轮胎的重要力学特性。侧偏特性主要是指侧偏力、回正力矩与侧偏角间的关系,它是研究汽车操纵稳定性的基础。本文通过数学模型和轮胎仿真模型,对轮胎侧偏动特性各影响因素进行分析,从而研究轮胎侧偏动特性对汽车操纵稳定性的影响,为增强汽车抵抗外界干扰、准确响应驾驶员操纵指令的能力提供理论依据。关键词:汽车动力学;操纵稳定性;轮胎侧偏动特性.Tire cornering the influence of the dynamic characteristics of vehicle handling stabilityAbstract: with the development of economy, science and technology and so on various aspects with each passing day, the car has become indispensable to people travel tools, appearance, comfort and handling stability of vehicles and so on various aspects requirements are also rising. Vehicle handling stability, it is to point to the driver dont feel too much tension, fatigue, under the condition of automobile can be in accordance with the driver by steering system and steering wheel driving the given direction (linear or turning); And when the interference (road uneven, side wind, goods or passengers partial load), the car can resist interference and stable performance. There are many factors that can influence the stability of vehicle handling, which is car tire and ground connection link, smooth degree, comfort to the process of the car has a big impact. Tire cornering characteristics is important mechanical properties of the tire. Cornering characteristics mainly refers to the cornering force, is the relationship between torque and side-slip Angle, it is the basis of the research on vehicle handling stability. Simulation model based on the mathematical model and the tire, the tire cornering various influencing factors of dynamic characteristic is analyzed, thus the tire cornering dynamic characteristics influence on vehicle handling stability, to enhance resistance to interference, accurate response ability to provide theoretical basis for pilot control instructions


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