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《比较法(双语)》课程中英文简介 Comparative Law(bilingual course) 课程代码:100301B Course Code:100301B 课程名称:比较法(双语) Course Name:Comparative Law(bilingual course) 学时:16 Periods:16 学分:1 Credits:1 考核方式:考查 Assessment: Evaluation 先修课程:法理学 Preparatory Courses:Jurisprudence 《比较法》是法学专业学生中一门比较基础的理论性学科,课程的教学目的是使学生了解比较法学科的性质、任务和作用,了解当今世界法律的总体格局和基本发展趋势,能够运用比较法的理论和方法进行比较研究和从事法律实践。我系比较法课程目前作为专业选修课,因此只有8周时间,内容比较简练。主要讲授比较法的基本知识、核心概念和一般理论,包括三大部分内容。第一部分为序论,主要讲授比较法的概念、历史、作用、方法;第二部分为本论,主要讲授法律的多样性、世界主要法系的概念和样式、世界各国立法体系的比较、法律渊源比较、各国法律教育比较、法律职业比较、司法制度的比较;第三部分为附论,由于比较法和法律移植工作密不可分,因此本部分主要讲授法律移植。 The Comparative Jurisprudence is one of the base option course of law department, its aim is to compare law of different country or area, so it is a branch of the science of law. It can help students to grasp the essence and function of comparative jurisprudence by comparing law of different countries or areas, so we can improve our country’s legislation, judicature, academy research and forecast development of law in the world. There three part in the content of Comparative Jurisprudence. The first part is to introduce the concept, history, function of this course. At the same time, the method and requirement of comparison will be studied. The second part is comparison of several law institutions, such as comparison of legal system, comparison of source of law, comparison of legal practice, comparison of legal profession and so on. Main legal family in the world, namely the civil legal family, common legal family, religion legal family, mixed legal family is one of the content in this part. Since legal transplant is closely related with comparative law, the last part of the course is to study legal transplant. 《法理学》课程中英文简介 Jurisprudence 课程代码:100023A Course Code:100023A 课程名称:法理学 Course Name:Jurisprudence 学时:48 Periods:48 学分:3 Credits:3 考核方式:考试 Assessment: Examination 先修课程:无 Preparatory Courses:None 《法理学》是全国高等学校法学专业十六门核心课程之一。法理学以整体法律现象为研究对象,所关涉的是整体法律现象中的普遍问题和根本问题,因而在法学体系中具有特殊地位,是法学的一般理论、基础理论和方法论。法理学是由法律本体论、法律价


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