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内蒙古鄂伦春、鄂温克、达斡尔族人 三种酶型遗传多态性分析
HE REDIT A ( Bei in ) 22(6) : 367~ 368 2000
j g
刘 牧, 李 琳, 沈淑萍, 陈 彩, 谢立平, 石继海, 袁 峥, 张春杰
( , 014010)
: , 506 EAPADAAK1
, EA-
A 1 1
P 02139~ 02280; ADA 09500~ 0. 9596; AK 1.0~ 0.9963
: ; ;
: Q986; D919.2 : A : 0253- 9772(2000) 06- 0367- 02
A Stud of the Genetic Pol mor hism of Red Cell Isoenz mes
y y p y
EAPADAand AK1 in the Oroqen Ewenki and Daouor
Nationalties in Inner Mon olia of China
LIU Mu, LI Lin, HEN hu- in , CHEN Cai, XIE Li- in , HI J-i hai, YUAN Zhen , ZHANG Chun- ie
p g p g g j
( Dep artment of Pathlilgy, Baotou Medical Callage, Inner Monglia, Baotou 01 010, China)
Abstract: In the a er the henot e fre uencies of the EAP, ADA and AK1 have been investi ated b the
p p p yp g g y
emthod of typing of EAP-ADA-AK on the samemixed starch/ agarose gel electrophresis among 3nationalities in
Inner Mon olia. ( Oro en, Ewenki and Dawuor. ) The distribution of their t fre uencies varied with races.
g q ypy q
The gene freqrencies DP and CDP were also calculated.
Ke words: isoenz mes; ethnic rou ; blood rou enetis
y y g p g p g
[1 ]
, ADA, AK1 AK1
( EAP) (ADA) (AK1 )
, 156 ,