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ECE R34 02-S2版與02-S3版之差異比較表 有關99年3月3日及99年3月10 所討論之燃油箱火災防止檢測基準草案其對應版本係為02-S2版,經查歐盟UN/ECE 就R34乙項於2010/2/19 有公布02-S3之新版本,故針對本次所調和之ECE R34部分法規內容,草擬 ECE R34 02-S2版與 02-S3版之條文差異比較供參閱。 ECE R34 02-S2版 ECE R34 02-S3版 說 明 1. SCOPE This Regulation applies: 1.1. PART I: to the approval of vehicles of categories M, N and O 1/ with regard to the tank(s) for liquid fuel. 1.2. PART II: at the request of the manufacturer to the approval of vehicles of categories M, N and O approved to Part I of this Regulation fitted with liquid fuel tank(s) with regard to the prevention of fire risks in the event of a frontal and/or lateral and/or rear collision. 1. SCOPE This Regulation applies: 1.1. PART I: to the approval of vehicles of categories M, N and O 1/ with regard to the tank(s) for liquid fuel. 1.2. PART II: at the request of the manufacturer to the approval of vehicles of categories M, N and O approved to Part I or IV of this Regulation fitted with liquid fuel tank(s) with regard to the prevention of fire risks in the event of a frontal and/or lateral and/or rear collision. 1.3. PART III: to the approval of tanks for liquid fuel as technical units. 1.4. PART IV: to the approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of approved tanks for liquid fuel. 02-S3 版新增: (1)PART III,主要係對燃油箱本體作認證,故擬依其內容,分別調整基準草案以與條文 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.9, 5.12, 6.1及6.2調和。 (2)PART IV,主要係對燃油箱安裝於車輛後作認證,非屬燃油箱本體之規範。 4. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Part of the Regulation: 4.1. approval of a vehicle means the approval of a vehicle type with regard to the liquid fuel tanks; 4.3. passenger compartment means the space for occupant accommodation bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, outside glazing, front bulkhead, and the plane of the rear compartment bulkhead or the plane of the rear seat back support; 4.4. tank means the tank(s) designed to contain the liquid fuel, as defined in paragraph 4.6.,used primarily for the propulsion of the vehicle excluding its accessories (filler pipe, if it is a se


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