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好想告诉你 黑 沼 爽 子被她的同学称为贞子,因为她有着与午夜凶铃相似的特征。她 喜欢看恐怖片。只要别人和她说话,与她距离近点,就会非常的感动。是个纯洁,心地非常善良的女孩。勤奋踏实,希望帮助身边的每一个人。宁愿自己受伤害,也不希望别人不开心。不避讳任何的流言蜚语,只是一个人默默地付出。 Classic quotations 经典语录 No matter what just want to stay with you no matter what just want to talk with you no matter what so please do not escape worth or rumors or those I dont care if it isnt Kuronuma decide to do, but I decide 什么都无所谓只想在你身边 什么都无所谓只想和你说话 什么都无所谓所以请你不要逃避 身价也好谣言也好 那些我都不在意 那不是黑沼决定的事,而是由我来决定 I will never forget to meet with you in the summer 我不会忘记,认识你的那天,是临夏的时候 How much love you can you imagine 到底有多喜欢你 你能想象么….... ~Thanks ~End~ * From Me to You ——Afra (黒沼 爽子 Kuronuma Sawako) Sawako is a shy yet honest girl who is in search of friendship. 爽子是正在寻找友谊的一个害羞而又诚实的女孩 Thanks to Kazehayas kind and open nature, she is able to gradually open up to her classmates, and talk to different people. 由于风早的善良和开放,她渐渐放开了自己,并且也能够与不同的人交流 Sawako called Sadako(贞子) by her classmates for her resemblance to the character from The Ring(午夜凶铃),She likes to watch horror movies. As long as people and talk to her, and she from the near point, will be moved. Is a pure, kind-hearted girl. Diligent, hope to help everyone. Would rather I hurt, dont want others unhappy. Not evade any tattle and prate, just a person silently pay. Kazehaya Shōta 风 早 翔 太 A forthright and cheerful smile, known as the hearty gentleman. The class of the popular king. Very much was left out in the cold to avoid Sawako, and like Sawako. 有着直率的性格和爽朗的笑容,被称为“爽朗君”。班级里的人气王。非常在意被大家冷落躲避的爽子,并渐渐喜欢上爽子。 Kazehaya has held a long standing love for Sawako and unaware that she feels the same for him. 风早一直暗恋着爽子,但他不知道爽子也是一样…… Im looking for, only you. Making making I miss, always have only you. Making making only you, only you, only you. 我在寻找的,一直只有你。????? 我在思念的,一直只有你。????? 只有你,只有你,只有你。 Misunderstand 误会 -This is a story about courage and pure sweet love. – 是一个关于勇气和纯甜蜜的爱情故事。— -I want to be with you.- 我想和你在一起 -Did you know? Without realizing it ... we were already frien


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