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河南工程学院毕业论文 论商务秘书的素质 学生姓名 周 莹 系(部) 人文社会科学系 专 业 商 务 文 秘 指导教师 李 中 华 2012年5月10日 摘 要 商务秘书是指在工商企业中从事秘书工作的专业秘书。由于企业是以利润最大化为目标的,性质上与国家机关单位、行政、党团不同。商务秘书面临的环境有其自身特点,因此对商务秘书的素质要求也有自身的特点,与其他行业秘书比较,商务秘书处于商业环境之中,商业环境具有多样性、盈利性、易变性和时代性等特点,这对其能力素质提出了更高的要求。特别是在科学技术日新月异的21世纪,社会发展把现代企业推到代表社会文明进步的重要位置,也对现代企业商务秘书人员的素质提出更高的要求。21世纪是以知识与信息为发展动力的时代,即知识经济时代。需要的是适用型、技能型、复合型的高素质的综合性人才。这就要求商务秘书应是一个“全才”。本文主要论述了商务秘书具备的素质,即:思想道德素质、知识能力素质、商务礼仪素质、身体和心理素质等。 论文的主题共分为五个大部分,讲述作为商务秘书具备良好素质的重要性、思想道德素质、知识能力素质、商务礼仪素质、身体和心理素质。 关键词: 商务秘书 素质 Abstract Commerce secretary is to point to in industry and work in enterprise engaged in the professional secretary. Due to the industry and commerce enterprise is the maximum profit as the objective, the nature and the state agency unit, administrative, different groups. Business secretary face environment has its own characteristics, so the business secretary of the quality demands have their own characteristics, and other industry secretary comparison, commerce secretary in a business environment in, business environment has diversity, non-profit, changeability and characteristics of The Times, this to its ability quality put forward higher request. Especially in science and technology are developing rapidly in the 21 century, the social development of modern enterprise to push on behalf of social civilization and progress of the important position, and also for the modern enterprise business secretary personnels quality put forward higher request. 21 century is an era which based on knowledge and information of development powerful , it is the age of the knowledge economy. Need is suitable, skilled, the high quality of the comprehensive talent of compound. This requires the business secretary should be an all-rounder. This paper discusses the business secretarys quality, namely: the moral, intellectual ability quality, business etiquette quality, body and psychological quality and so on. The theme of the paper is div


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