7th Gra deP Algb St uy i Number Sense 15)(7日草deP Algb圣uy我数觉15)).pdf

7th Gra deP Algb St uy i Number Sense 15)(7日草deP Algb圣uy我数觉15)).pdf

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7th Gra deP Algb St uy i Number Sense 15)(7日草deP Algb圣uy我数觉15))

7t h Gr ade Pr e-A l g eb r a St u dy Gu i de Number Sense 1) When (+) or (-) integers keep the sign the same 15) To convert a decimal to a p ercent, move the if all the integers have the same sign. decimal two places to the right. 2) When (+) or (-) integers with diff erent signs, 16) To convert a p ercent to a decimal, move the find the difference of the two integers and keep decimal two places to the left. the sign of the integer with the larger |absolute value|. 17) Order of Operations: follow P, E, M/D, A/S 3) When subtracting integers, change to addition 18) Rules for exponents: and follow the rules above. * When multip lying numbers with the same base, add the exp onents. 4) When (x) or (÷) integers follow these rules: * When dividing numbers with the same *(x) or (÷) two negatives equals a positive base, subtract the exp onents. * When raising a number to a power *(x) or (÷) two positives equals a positive 4 4 16 multiply the exponents (3 ) = 3 . *(x) or (÷) different signs equals a negative



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