Abrams Tank Systems fprado(艾布拉姆斯坦克系统fprado).pdf

Abrams Tank Systems fprado(艾布拉姆斯坦克系统fprado).pdf

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Abrams Tank Systems fprado(艾布拉姆斯坦克系统fprado)

Abrams Tank Systems Lessons Learned Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 Purpose As with all wars and contingency operations, capturing system performance and lessons learned are critical to improving the systems so we are better able to fulfill the warfighters requirements This briefing captures some of the key equipment performance issues and lessons learned as interpreted by PM Abram’s personnel deployed forward with the Divisions during Operation Iraqi Freedom Topics of Discussion Armor Protection Firepower/Target Acquisition Automotive Logistics Sustainment Summary Protection NO catastrophic losses due to Iraqi direct or indirect fire weapons Several tanks were destroyed due to secondary effects attributed to enemy weapon systems Majority of losses attributed to mechanical breakdown and vehicle either being stripped for parts or severely vandalized by Iraqi people No reported case of an AGTM ever being fired at any U.S. Army vehicle No Kornet missiles found in country Frontal turret and hull armor continues to provide excellent crew protection. Top, side, and rear armor remains susceptible to penetration Documented instances where 25mm AP-DU and above ammunition disabled a tank from the rear Left and right side non-ballistic skirts repeatedly penetrated by anti-armor RPG fire Cosmetic damage only when struck by anti-personnel RPG rounds No reported hits on ballistic skirts No reported instance of tank hitting an anti-tank mine Protection (cont.) Turret ammunition blast doors worked as designed Documented instance where turret ready rack compartment hit and main gun rounds ignited. Blast doors contained the explosion and crew survived unharmed except for fume inhalation Externally stored items



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