An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Food (介绍了食品的基本概念).pdf

An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Food (介绍了食品的基本概念).pdf

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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Food (介绍了食品的基本概念)

An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Food Security I. THE FOUR DIMENSIONS OF FOOD SECURITY n s o e i d t i Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and c A u nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. r G o - 1996 World Food Summit f l a n c o i i t From this definition, four main dimensions of food security can be identified: t c a m a r r P Physical AVAILABILITY Food availability addresses the “supply side” of food security and is determined by the level of o f of food food production, stock levels and net trade. n I y Economic and physical An adequate supply of food at the national or international level does not in itself guarantee t i r ACCESS to food household level food security. Concerns about insufficient food access have resulted in a greater u c policy focus on incomes, expenditure, markets and prices in achieving food security objectives. e S Food UTILIZATION Utilization is commonly understood as the way the body makes the most of various nutrients d o in the food. Sufficient energy and nutrient intake by individuals is the result of good care and o feeding practices, food preparation, diversity of the diet and intra-household distribution of food. F Combined with good biological utilization of food consumed, this determines the nutritional status of individuals. STABILITY of the other Even if your


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