Basic Mathematics for Astronomy Physics and (基本数学天文,物理和).pdf

Basic Mathematics for Astronomy Physics and (基本数学天文,物理和).pdf

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Basic Mathematics for Astronomy Physics and (基本数学天文,物理和)

Basic Mathematics for Astronomy A Manual for Brushing off the Rust by Dr. Glenn Tiede 2007 Version 1.2 August 10, 2007 Introduction Astronomy is a fascinating science, from the distances to and inter-workings of stars and planets to the big questions like, “Where did it all come from?”, “What is ultimately going to happen?” and “Are we alone?”. Before we can begin to investigate these concepts we first have to master some basic mathematical skills that will allow us to talk about these astronomical concepts. Most of these skills are grade school level arithmetic skills, so you don ’t have to be a mathematics maj or to understand the mathematical concepts necessary to do well in an introductory astronomy class. Honestly, you don ’t even have to like math. What you do have to do is be willing to spend the time necessary to master these skills. In some cases you may already have the mastery. In others, it may just be a matter of a little practice to “knock the rust off”. Whatever the case, just like professors in other subjects can’t take time from class to remind you how to read or write, we won’t be spending any time in our astronomy class reviewing basic mathematical skills. Therefore this manual provides you a quick guide to the mathematical skills you will need and a basic set of practice exercises so you can check your level of mastery. Each section in this manual begins with a description of each set of skills. You should read these descriptions and if you fully understand the concepts, try some of the sample problems. If you score well, move on to the next section. However, if you find that you do need to rethink these concepts, then study the description car


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