Brushless Motors tcrconline(无刷电机tcrconline).pdf

Brushless Motors tcrconline(无刷电机tcrconline).pdf

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Brushless Motors tcrconline(无刷电机tcrconline)

Brushless Motors What you need to know. January 2008 Wayne Rademacher Motor selection info. Watts per pound of airplane weight. n 100w/lbs = trainer/sport n 150w/lbs = 3D aerobatics n 200w/lbs = extreme Watts = volts * current n 7.4v * 10amps = 74watts n 11.1v * 25amps = 277watts n 22v * 50amps = 1110watts Ex. 16oz sport airplane = 100w motor 746watts = 1 horse power January 2008 Wayne Rademacher Motor formulas Efficiency: Motor Efficiency = Pout/Pin, Pout = (Vin - Iin * Rm) * (Iin - Io) Motor Kv: Kv = RPM / (Vin - Vloss), Vloss = Iin * Rm Motor RPM: RPM = Kv * (V - Vloss), Vloss = Iin * Rm Watts: Watts = V * Iin, Alternately P=I²R (P = I x I x Rm) Stalled Motor: Istall = Vin / Rm Torque constant: Torque constant: Kt=Kb x 1.345, Kb = Voltage constant (Volt/ 1000 RPM) Torque Loss: Torque = Kt * (Iin - Io) Termination : Wye = the number of winds you have performed, Delta = divide the number of turns by 1.73 Watts per Horsepower: 1 horsepower = 746 watts Kv-Rpm constant: Kv * turns = motor constant, (ex. Kv=1090 * 32T ~= 35000 so, 35000/28T ~= 1250Kv) January 2008 Wayne Rademacher Motor formulas - Acronyms Acronyms: Rm = Resistance value of the motor, derived from the guage of wire used. Pout = Power Out of the Motor expressed in Watts Pin = Power In of the Motor expressed in Watts Vin = Voltage Into the Motor Iin = Current Into the Motor Io = Noload Current of the Motor, derived from running a motor WOT without a prop at varying voltages. Io can be expressed with an associated Voltage and should be. Kv = K value or voltage constant, the expressed value where the rpm can be surmised by a given voltage. For a 2000 Kv motor an input voltage of 10V would net 20000RPM. Istall = The load current of a motor w


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