BIM Project Execution Plan Overview (女子项目执行计划概述).docx

BIM Project Execution Plan Overview (女子项目执行计划概述).docx

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BIM Project Execution Plan Overview (女子项目执行计划概述)

DateBIM Project Execution Plan OverviewAs the world’s largest museum and research complex, the Smithsonian Institution (SI), through the Office of Planning, Design and Construction (OPDC) is responsible for the planning, design, construction, and revitalization of all Smithsonian facilities, across eight states, the District of Columbia and in Panama.The purpose of this manual is to provide a standardized document template, with which, AEC consultant teams can outline the information, procedures, and responsibilities relevant to a Building Information Model (BIM) development effort for Smithsonian building projects. The goal of the SI BIM PxP framework is to assure accurate and consistent work within, and across SI projects. The SI BIM Project Execution Plan (PxP) works in concert with the SI Revit Template Users Guide. That documentdescribes the type and level of information required by the SI for BIM deliverables.Each project’s BIM PxPwill be a living document -- revised and updated as necessary by the project team to reflect changes in BIM development that occur during project execution. The BIM PxP will outline a clearly detail the responsibilities for developing all components in the project BIM, and their level of detail. Any changes made in the approach to BIM development during project execution should be reflected in the BIM PxP, approved by the project team, and reviewed by the SI’s COTR(Contracting Officers Technical Representative).SI BIM MISSION STATEMENTThe Smithsonian Institute (SI) BIM mission statement is to obtain a well-documented BIM deliverable that not only provides required design submittals but also caters easy transition from BIM to SI’s Geographic Information System (GIS) application SI Explorer.Please note: Instructions (italicized) and examples (not-italicized) to assist with the completion of this guide are shown in grey. The instructions should be deleted and the example text should be modified to suit the needs of the organization f



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