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13 4 ( ( ) ; ) V ol. 13 N o . 4 2006 7 Eart h Science Front iers ( Chin a U niversit y of G eosci ences, Bei ing ; Peking U niversit y) J ul. 2006 TECTONICRELIEF OF THE NEPAL HIMALAYAS G. F. U FIM T SEV Inst it ute of th e E arths Crust , L er mon tov St r . 128, Ir kutsk 664033, R ussia UFIMTSEV GF. Tectonicrelief of the Nepal Hi alayas.Eart h Science Fr ontiers , 2006,13(4):047-058 Abstract: T ectonic r elief and socle sur f ace co uld w ell character ize the main peculiar ities of neo tecto nics and geo- dy namics of t he Nepal H imala yas . T r ansver se divisions of this mounta in r ang e str ucture are coincident w ith the div isio ns confor mable to t he geo log ical tectonics . In longit udinal directio n, the mo untain range is div ided into sev eral segments by passes fo rmed fr om tecto nic events . T he H indu s subcontinental underthru st f ault sy s- tem co nsisting of sever al nappe plates and many piedmont folds of Siw alik demonstr ates the main pro cesses of H imalay an neotecto nic dynamics . T hese processes ar e acco mpanied by squeezing out of co res o f synclines and ero ding outliers of nappes in M ahabhar at , g ravitational instability of the H imalayas o n the hig hest slo pe of so c- le sur f ace, and flo ating of g ranitic batholiths in the entir e Himalay as. Key words: neo tecto nics, tectonic relief , so cle sur f ace, mor pho tecto nics, H imalay as CLCnu ber:P54 Docu ent Code:A Article ID:1005 2321( 2006) 04 0047 12 : 尼泊尔喜马拉雅地区的新构造运动和地球动力学的主要特征可以由本区的构造地势和构造基础面 好地表示出来本地区山脉结构在横向上的划分与地质学上依构造特征而划分出来的单元相一致; 在纵向 上, 则按照构造运动形成的不同山口将山脉划分为几段由多 个推覆体板片和形成众多Siw a lik 期山前褶皱 的印度次大陆俯冲断层构成的体系展示了喜马拉雅新构造动力学的主要过程伴随这 一动力学过程, 出现了 M ahabhar at 地区向斜核部地层被挤出及推覆体


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