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一种快速判断非唯一可译码的方法 邢楠, 朱虹, 梁秀梅, 侯浩录 (西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院, 西安 710048) : 本文介绍了一种 速判断非唯一可译码的方法, 该方法针对现存判别唯一可译码的 方法( 即: 根据异前缀码来进行判断的方法以及 A. A. Sardinas和 G. W. patterson判断法)所存 在的不确定性大运算量等问题, 提出一种方法对非唯一可译码作出准确判断该方法具有判 别简单, 运算量小等特点, 可以广泛应用于非唯一可译码的判断该方法对于通信信息论方 面的研究具有一定的意义 : 唯一可译码; 克劳夫特不等式; 异前缀码; A. A. Sardinas和 G. W. Patterson判断法 : TN911 : A : 100383 9( 008) 0 00 903 A FastApproach to D iscrmi inate TheNon- unique Decodable Code X ING N an, ZHU Hong, LIANG X iumei, HOU Haolu (X i an University of Technology, The Faculty of Au tom ation and Inform ation Engineering, X i an, 710048, China) A bstract: This paper proposes a fast approach to discrmi inate the non - unique decodable code. D iffering from tw o existingm ethods about this academ ic issue, namely the approach basing on unu sual prefix code and theA. A. Sardinas and G. W. Patterson d iscrmi ination algorithm, the approach in this paper discrmi inates the non- un ique decodable code exactly. It solves some of the problem s of the prior tw omethods, such as uncertainty andmass calcu lationw ork. Th ismethod requ ires small amount of calcu lation and is easy to be employed, and therefore it is w idely app licable to the d is crmi ination of non- un ique decodable code. Th is paper to some extend provides contribution to the research on commun ications and inform ation theory. K ey words: un ique decodable code; kraft inequality; unusual prefix cond ition code; A. A. Sard inas and G. W. Patterson discrmi ination algorithm 1 引 言 , K raft , : D , C = {C , C , , C } , C ( i =


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