
空气净化对老年2 型糖尿病患者血浆内皮素-1 的影响.pdf

空气净化对老年2 型糖尿病患者血浆内皮素-1 的影响.pdf

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空气净化对老年2 型糖尿病患者血浆内皮素-1 的影响

# 48 # 2002 1 24 1 Ch n J Phy s M ed R ehab l, January 2002, Vol. 24, No . 1 ## 2 - 1 汪涛 张胜兰 何虹 王青 郭志军 韩文章 = 2 - 1 2 43 ( n= 24) ( n= 19) 24 h , 1 - 1 1 , - 14 . 23 ? 1. 15 pg/ ml4 . 58 ? 0 . 44 mmol/ L 3 . 4 1? 1. 2 8 pg/ ml4. 13 ? 0. 34 mmol/ L ( P 0 . 05) , 82. 3? 8. 7 nU / ml44 . 7 ? 5 . 9 U / L 88. 5 ? 9 . 6 nU / ml57 . 5 ? 6. 4 U / L, 75% , 75% , 70 . 8% , 66 . 7 % ( P 0 . 05) 2 , - 1 = ; ; ; - 1; ; ; Effect of air purification on plasma levels of ET- 1, SOD, GSH-px and MDA in elderly patients with type 2 dia- * * etes WA N G Tao , ZHA N G Shenglan , HE H ong , WAN G Qing, G UO Zhij un , H AN Wenz hang1 The First Qingdao S anatorium , inan Command , PL A , Qingdao 266071, Ch na = A stract O jective T o nvest g ate the eff ect of a r pur f cat o n on chang es of plasma levels of ET- 1, SOD, G SH- px, and M DA n pat ents w th type 2 d abetes1 Methods T he l v ng room s o f 24 pat ents w th type 2 d abetes w ere pur f ed w th a r cleaner ( M KJ- 800) once a day for 30 days, then the aforement oned par ameters w ere assessed and compared w th t hat obta ned at the beg n ng of hosp tal zat on. In pat ents of the contro l group ( N = 19) , w ho l ved n the or d nary w ards, the changes of these par ameters w ere also evaluated1 Results T he aver ag e plasma lev- els of ET- 1 and M DA of pat ents n the exper mental group w ere markedly decr eased ( from 4 . 23 ? 1. 15 pg/ ml to 3 . 14 ? 1. 2 8 pg/ ml , and 4. 58 ? 0. 44 mmol/ L to 4 . 13? 0. 34 mmol/ L, respect vely


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