离散交换群上Toeplitz 算子的代数性质.pdf

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离散交换群上Toeplitz 算子的代数性质

Journal of Mathematical Research Exposition May, 2008, Vol.28, No.2, pp.396–402 DOI:10.3770/j.issn:1000-341X.2008.02.021 Http:// Algebraic Properties of Toeplitz Operators on Discrete Commutative Groups GUO Xun Xiang (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Gannan Normal University, Jiangxi 341000, China) (E-mail: guoxunxiang@) Abstract In this paper, a generalized Toeplitz operator is defined and some of results about the classical Toeplitz operator are generalized. In particular, we obtain the necessary and sufficient condition for the product of two such Toeplitz operators to still be Toeplitz operator and the necessary and sufficient condition for such Toeplitz operator to be normal operator. Finally, a necessary condition for two such Toeplitz operators to be commutative is established. Keywords discrete commutative group; almost stable subset; Toeplitz operator; hyponormal operator; Hankle operator; analytic Toeplitz operator. Document code A MR(2000) Subject Classification 47B35 Chinese Library Classification O177.2 1. Introduction and preliminaries Let T denote the unit circle and dθ denote the normalized Lebesgue measure on the unit circle. Using the regular sense of product and sum of two functions, we can define the following function 2 iθ 2π iθ 2 spaces on T , the square integrable function space L (T ) = {f (e ) : 0 |f (e )| dθ ∞} , and the essential bounded function space L∞ (T ), i.e., the function space which consists of all functions f such that {x ∈ T : |f (x)| M }


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