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Flow Rate Transmitter
EVS 3100
for Oils / Viscous Fluids
Description: Technical specifications:
The flow rate transmitters in the Input data
series EVS 3100 (aluminium range) Measuring ranges * and operating pressure
are specially designed for use in EVS 310X-A-0020 1.2 .. 20.0 l/min 400 bar
hydraulic and other fluid technology EVS 310X-A-0060 6.0 .. 60.0 l/min 400 bar
EVS 310X-A-0300 15.0 .. 300.0 l/min 400 bar
They operate according to the turbine
principle, i.e. the speed of an impeller EVS 310X-A-0600 40.0 .. 600.0 l/min 315 bar
turning in the fluid flow is measured Additional connection options 2 x G1/4 female threads for pressure and/
and converted into a 4 .. 20 mA or temperature sensors
analogue signal. Output data
Two further G1/4 threaded holes Output signal, permitted load resistance 4 .. 20 mA, 2 conductor
RLmax.= (U - 10 V) / 20 mA [kW]
in the turbine housing provide
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